Major South Korean Protests since the Korean War

There have been many political protests (around 20) in South Korea post-1953, but I’ve decided to only go in depth on three major and revolutionary protests. Mostly student uprisings and ones that enacted severe democratic change that has shaped the way modern South Korea functions. In light of the American Black Lives Matter movement andContinue reading “Major South Korean Protests since the Korean War”

History of Korean Music

I debated posting this one on this blog because it was different from what I normally wrote about – but I decided it fits the criteria! That being said this will look and feel a bit different than the others but different is good, I hope you learn something today! There are three different mainContinue reading “History of Korean Music”

The Birth of South Korean Nationalism

Nationalism was an element prominent in almost all major countries in the late 19th and early 20th century.   Nationalism itself is a complicated concept but I think for most Americans it becomes synonymous with Patriotism and that’s not necessarily the case. One of my history professors this semester explained it in a way IContinue reading “The Birth of South Korean Nationalism”

Prisoners of War: The Korean War (South Korean, American, and Chinese)

Things to know before we move on The Geneva Conventions are four treaties (and three additional protocols) that establish the standards of international law for humanitarian treatment in war. Songbun System ( 성분 )is the system of ascribed status in North Korea. Based on the political, social, and economic background of one’s direct ancestors. UsedContinue reading “Prisoners of War: The Korean War (South Korean, American, and Chinese)”

The Impact on Relations between Korea and the United States After the Korean War

Most of the current US and South Korean relations have to do with the North Korean nuclear crisis that President Trump is trying to get a handle on. President Moon, while having moved into office around the same time as Trump, has been trying to maintain relations mostly between the US and North Korea. ThingsContinue reading “The Impact on Relations between Korea and the United States After the Korean War”

How the Korean War is Taught in US and Korean Schools

The research I did during the process of writing this blog has been some of the most difficult research I’ve ever done, and I loved it! It was a lot of chasing people for information and coming to dead ends but I think the greatest thing I took out of this was asking for help,Continue reading “How the Korean War is Taught in US and Korean Schools”

The Korean Perspective of the United States during the Korean War

This blog was especially interesting to write! There was so much about this topic and it was difficult to choose which to put in and what to talk about. I think the information I discuss is important to understand in terms of the South Korean people’s general opinion on America. That being said, there isContinue reading “The Korean Perspective of the United States during the Korean War”

How the United States got Involved in the Korean War

this blog goes into detail of the reasoning behind the United States entering the Korean War as well as the perspective the South Korean soldiers had when the United States (with the United Nations) came to support South Korea in the war. Things to know before we move on The Truman Doctrine is the principlesContinue reading “How the United States got Involved in the Korean War”

Why South Korea is Referred to as a “US Puppet Government” and it’s Correlation with The Korean War

On some base level we all know the United States had a huge impact in the outcome of the Korean War. But if you’re like me, that understanding doesn’t go much deeper. It’s just something we know. This blog is going to explain just how deep the United States was in their involvement with theContinue reading “Why South Korea is Referred to as a “US Puppet Government” and it’s Correlation with The Korean War”

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